Remote Hams


Operators on the Net often utilise an alternative Remote Receiver to listen to the Net if their own station location suffers from degraded reception due to local suburban noise or QRM.
RCForb Remote Hams is an application provided by Elecraft which provides this service to the Amateur Community. The Remote equipment can also be utilised as a FULL remote station with transmit capability. This is used by operators, often in Community housing etc, where they cannot install external antennas. These Remote Stations can also be accessed from anywhere in the World where there is an Internet connection.

A Remote Hams User MUST have an Amateur licence and sign up for a Remote Hams account. These accounts are free. Donations are welcome and can be made through the website via the Donate Tab.

Now to get you setup to use Remote Hams:- There are a few ways, this method is just one of them. Dependent on your existing setup, knowledge and whether you already have an Account with Remote Hams you can jump in at any stage … This is a good starting point.. Just Click on the Remote Hams button below and follow the steps.

Now that you have the Remote Hams Client software loaded and running. here are a few tips to help you use it…

  1. Read through the getting started Guide  and apply it to your own particular setup.
  2. Read through the RCForb Client Manual

Here are a few tips to get you on your way …

  1. Display only VK6 Stations .. put VK6 in the search box…

2. The Band or Direct Frequency Entry by Clicking on one of the Tabs to the left of the Transceiver display, then selecting or entering the desired Band or Frequency….

3. PTT can be operated by the Space bar..

Using the Space Bar to Transmit (TX)
TX Operation by pressing the space bar is possible but it must be “bound” to the TX button. The space bar is not always “bound” to the TX button. To “bind” the space bar to the TX button, you must first click on the TX button. As long as the TX button is the last item you have clicked on the Space Bar will be “bound”. For example, if you click on the chats box, you must click on the TX button again to “bind” the space bar.

4. General operating Notes and caution when multiple users are connected.

It has been noted that when multiple users are all connected at the same time, careful note must be made of who the Control Operator is. It is this operator that has control of the rig and controls MODE, PWR etc etc.

Here is a complete screen shot of the FTDX 3000 utilisation of Remote Hams as used by the Shavers Net when connected to VK6AHR.

As you would on your own rig, Frequency, Antenna and  Mode must all be set appropriately  and antenna Tuned via the Tune button before you are ready to join the Net.

Top left hand corner of the Rig display gives you your TX time timeout value, the S meter and when transmitting, the power output or SWR dependant on the TxMeter selection.

Please familiarise yourself with these controls and adjust them accordingly. Remember the operator before you may have been operating on a different Band, Mode and possibly experimenting with the controls to see what it does 🙂


FTDX via Remote image


5. OTN article by Phil VK6SO. Provided by RAOTC OTN Magazine.

Best viewed full screen. Click on the expand Icon on the control bar. 

Bernie Gates Shavers Net


