Amateur Radio in Australia

Bernie Gates Shavers Net

in Memory of Bernie VK6KJ

Daily (except Sunday) at 0000 UTC (0800 WST) Currently on 40M due to changing conditions…check on the day !

Bernie Gates was a very active Amateur Radio operator and TV / Radio Serviceman from Albany, Western Australia.

Bernie became a silent key in 1992.

This Net commenced in the early 70’s. A group of Amateurs would get on air, supposedly whilst shaving, for a quick natter before starting work for the day.

7095 KHz or 3610 KHz +/- QRM depending on time of year and propagation..Now in 2023 you will usually find us on 7105 KHz or 3610 KHz +/- QRM.

Daily at 0000 UTC, 0800 WST (except Sunday)

Generally lasts ½ to 1 Hour.

Amateurs have called in from as far afield as Exmouth and Esperance in Western Australia and now with the wonders of modern science we have a new member all the way from Melbourne in Florida via Remote Hams.

To make it even more interesting, we now have real time ZOOM Video feed to provide live images of the Net participants. The audio continues to be via RF using either Remote Hams or your own transceiver or receiver.


    Notices in it’s previous form has been removed due to abuse!!

    Submission of Comments to individual pages has also been disabled.

    All future Notices will be hard coded by Admin on receipt of an email.

    Admin 6 March 2023

    29 May 2023

    Silent Key

    It is with sadness that we note the passing of Phil Bussanich VK6SO. Phil has been a regular on the Net since 2005. Phil often made comments about the running of the Net and indeed took on the task of running the Net from time to time. His knowledge and freely offered advice will be sorely missed. With his personal efforts to provide a CW learning environment and ready advice making Phil truly qualified to be a Silent Key. Others can only ever be a Quiet Mic 🙂

    12 June 2023

    Phil VK6SO

    26 June 2023 QSY to 40M

    Reports of excellent propagation have been common over the past week or so. Net participants trialled 40M ( 7105 KHz) this morning and found it performed well. The decision has been made to QSY to 7105 KHz for future Nets thru Winter, starting on Tuesday 27 June 2023 at 0000 UTC.

    6 July 2023 QSY back to 80M

    Propagation on 40M within the city is very poor as of Wednesday 5 July. So the Net has moved back to 80M 3610 KHz until further notice.

    25 September 2023 Update

    Link to Simon’s World Map updated.

    29 September 2023 move to 40M 7105 KHz
    Most of the Net this morning was carried out on 40M with mixed results, but generally better than 80M. We will move to 40M until further notice.
    Net participants can now optimise their Net participation for 40M operation at least until the Autumn months.

    30 October 2023 First ZOOM only session

    40M was exhibiting very poor propagation over the Metro area due to recent Solar activity. Ron VK6ARE was heard OK from Eaton. It was decided to try a ZOOM only session. After some adjustments, a lively session was had, slowly moving into break-in mode. This worked quite well and was quite well received by the participants. Perhaps a trial using break-in mode could be tried on HF ?

    We will return to 40M on Tuesday 31 October with perhaps a QSY to 80M if needed.

    21 November 2023 Propagation problems…the ionosphere has been rather unpredictable lately. The usual 40M at this time of year is just not happening. 80M has been good on the odd occasion. So, again if you don’t hear us on 40M try 80M.

    Some minor URL changes to add https protocol on a couple of links.

    10 Feb 2024

    Corrections and updates.

    15 February 2024 ..Propagation conditions have reached a point where 40M appears to be more appropriate for the Net. Ron VK6ARE certainly experiences much better receiving conditions on 40M. The Net will QSY to 7105 KHz from Friday 16 Feb. 2024.

    2 March 2024 .. Western Power ..Added link to Power outages map for SW Western Australia.

    14 March 2024 .. 74 Squadron link greyed out due to unavailability. ( Update info. is welcome.)

    19 September 2024 .. Privacy Compliance..preliminary changes made to comply with new Privacy laws…Cookie handling added.

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